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Sacred Source

Earth by Ann Zeleny

Earth by Ann Zeleny

Regular price $84.00 CAD
Regular price Sale price $84.00 CAD
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Abundance. Nurturing. Family. Contentment.

Earth luxuriates in the fulfillment of abundance, growth, and fertility. Content, she basks in the glow of moonlight, her loving family of human, animal and plant life nestled in her nurturing embrace.

Feel the joy! Reconnect with the natural world. Ann Zeleny delights us again with her new Five Elements Plaques, available exclusively from Sacred Source. Treat yourself to the complete set, or choose your favorite. Designed to flow together harmoniously when placed in a grouping as shown, each plaque is itself a magnificent work of art. Perfect to orient an altar or altar room to the four directions.

8 1/2" x 5" cold cast bronze plaque. #ZE

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